
Summicron 180mm F2 APO

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This is one of the sharpest lens in the world ( maybe it is the sharpest.)
It is a pricy lens at $7995 retailed listed price.
Aside from the price tag, the lens weights 5.5 lbs with 100mm thread size.
Even with 2X TC ( 360mm F4 )
it out sharp the Tamron 300mm 2.8.
It is sharper than the Canon EF 200mm 1.8 L lens and Contax Zeiss 200mm F2 lens as well. 
However, manual focus and stop down metering is not for everyone. 
Unless you plan to shoot at wide open all the time, cheaper AF lens with IS alternatives at slower stop probably will do the job right. 

Note: All photos were converted from ACR with 0 contrast 0 sharpen and 0 color NR and color adjustment.

More Sample wide open shots with Canon 2X TC (~360mm F4)  on Canon 5D body.
Distance between 20 feet to 40 feet

(360mm F4) ISO 800 1/800 Sec

Here is a hand held shot against sunlight at F4
180mm F2 @F4 ISO 250 1/400 Sec

Here is handheld shot at wide open for close-up
180mm F2 @F2 ISO 125 1/640 Sec

Here is A 100% crop of handheld portrait shot
180mm F2 @ F2 ISO 250 1/100 Sec

(360mm F4) ISO 800 1/800 Sec




Here is a sample portrait test shot  at 6 feet.
The Color and skin tone is very nice.
The Bokeh is creamy  and blends out softly with very smooth transition like all the summicron lenses.
Other lens usually have strong contrast between 
 in-focus to out-of-focus area.

Shot with Canon 5D body Leica summicron APO 180mm
F2 ISO 1600 1/200 Sec

Canon 5D ISO 400 1/250 Sec wide open
stack two Canon EF 2X TC 720mm F8 equivalent
