Minolta MC Rokkor-X PG 58mm 1.2 is the legendary lens from the Minolta MD mounts.
It is an extremely well made lens. Probably the best manual focus lens ever made by Minolta back in the early 70's.
There are 2 versions of this lens. The difference is in its coating. The Rokkor-X is the MC version and the later version
of the 58mm lens.
** Note: The one without X is the earlier single coated version.

I have read so much about it that I finally decided to get one to fit my EOS DSLR.
It is possible but it needs modification on the lens which it is irreversible flange-to-focal-plane
distances for both camera mounts are very close.
Minolta MD 43.5 mm Canon EOS 44.0 mm Canon FD 42mm
From above, unlike the Canon FD, the Minolta MD lens
requires to go in towards the mirror for 0.5mm which it is possible to modify. If you're using it for 1.3 or 1.6 crop cameras
like 1D MK II or 20/30D, the mirrors are smaller then the lens will not hit the mirror. For 5D, shaving the lens or mirror
Take a look at the photo below. The Minolta mounts comes in 2 pieces. By removing
the actual mount, you are left with a spacer to work with for conversion.

First, you need to buy a M42 to EOS adapter ( cheapest EOS mount conversion adapter
out there. )
By filing down the spacer will do the trick.
Take the original MD mount and align the center on the M42 mount.
Mark the holes for drilling.
All you need to do is drill the screw holes on the M42 to EOS adapter and continue to file
down the spacer until you can focus to infinity.

** Noticed I shaved the rear element's barrel so I didn' have to shave the lens on the 5D.
Shaving the mirror on the 5D is actually easier. It allows you to mount the other famous
lens from Zeiss, Leica, Pentax and etc...
MD W ROKKOR-X 24mm 2.8
Minolta MD W Rokkor-X 24mm 2.8 is the legendary wide angle lens from the Minolta MD mounts. It is
an extremely well made lens. Probably the best manual focus lens ever made by Minolta back in the mid-late 70's.
There are 2 versions of this lens. The difference is in its coating. The MD version is the later version which
Leica priased so much that they decided to partner with Minolta to create the Leica R 24mm lens.
This lens is much harder to modify as the aperture control lever and the mount is in the way to clear
the Canon 5D mirror. Even with the shaved the mirror, I still have to shave off the original MD mount.
It took me more than 2 hours to convert this lens. The image quality is pleasing which made
it worth a while. Obviously buying the Leica 24mm 2.8 might be an easier option.
First thing I notice is minimum geometry distortion from all the 24mm lens I have tried on 5D.
2nd thing I noticed is the color saturation is very nice.
I must say it is very close to Leica lens. The contrast is slightly lower than the Leica
28/35mm 2.8 version 2 lenses I have.
3rd thing is the bokeh. Very smooth like the other Minolta lens and quite similar to the Leica
as well.
MInolta MD W ROKKOR-X 24mm hack |
